Friday, November 17, 2006

Words of Advice For Young People

"The gadgets are gone!" - Burroughs Adding Machine Ad.

I have long been misguided by the wise counsel of Bull Lee, whether it be on school, school recess, or the world of gainful employment. Viddy these links below to see-hear his routines on America, world, atomics... the fight against control is sure to leave you in hearty cheer.


Cut ups yes hello

Ah Pook nuke

ah pook 2


My favourite Burrough's quotes include (do the drawl):

"I don't know if its Marxist or not, but its the truth"

"We are all black centipedes at heart"

"Words of advice for young people"
(check this out on the Disposable Heroes mix on "Spare Ass Annie")

"A Johnson minds his own business"

The accompanying picture is of Grandpa Burroughs' 1954 version of the Adding Machine. The text says:
"Because it's built with a "memory," here's a calculator that does for you what a calculator should do. The all electric Burroughs Calculator with Memory Dials gives you instantaneous answers in one register, and automatically accumulates those answers in a second register (the Memory Dials) - for grand totals or net results. There's no rehandling of figures chance for pencil and paper errors.
But that's not all. This new Burroughs calculator has the distinctive advantage of combining this answer - saving feature with the day in, day out advantages of a simplified, instant - action keyboard. The gadgets are gone! Every key is "live" and every key stroke counts. Finally, this truly extraordinary calculator has a very ordinary price tag. It's as easy to buy as it is to operate - just call your Burroughs man. Or write to Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, Mich".

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