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photogenic coppers in Malaysia Scandal

SUARAM reports:
"Ginie Lim Arrested, All Three Detainees Remanded for 3 Days
Following the arrest of Tian Chua and Jalaluddin Abdul Manap yesterday, 15 February 2008 after a submission of memorandum to the King calling for a Royal Commission on electoral system reform, another political activist Ginie Lim with the People's Justice Party was arrested last night at the Brickfields police station during her visit to Tian Chua and Jalaluddin Abdul Manap who was under detention.
In the Brickfields police station, Ginie Lim was arrested when she took picture of the investigating officer, Inspector Hidayak who ordered several police officers using force to carry away Tian Chua who resisted to be sent into police lockup at about 10.00pm. Inspector Hidayak alleged Ginie Lim of obstructing in the duty of police officers.
Tian Chua and Jalauddin Abdul Manap were sent to lock up cells in Pantai police station while Ginie Lim was sent to lock-up cell in Travers police station, Kuala Lumpur last night.
This morning, the three detainess were brought to the Magistrate's Court by the police for a 4-day remand application. The police argued that the remand orders for Tian Chua and Jalaluddin were needed to conduct further investigation on others who were involved in the alleged illegal assembly. As for Ginie Lim, the police alleged that taking photographs in the police compound is an offence. However, counsel Gurmit Singh that represented the three detainees argued that the remand application for Tian Chua and Jalaluddin were unjustifiable as the police had completed investigation by taking statement from the two detainees. As for the case of Ginie Lim, Gurmit Singh argued if taking photograph in police station is an offence, the police should just charge Ginie Lim and release her on bail. However, it was dissapointing that the Magistrate decided to grant the police a 3-day remand order on the three detainees. The detainees will be held until 18 February 2007.
On 18 February 2008, the police may apply for release the detainees or apply for further remand order and press charges against the detainees.
Clearly, this is an absolute abuse of powers by the police and deprived the detainees of precious personal liberty unneccesarily and unreasonably. We call on all to continue to call and write to the Brickfields police station and the Inspector General of Police to protest against the abuse of powers and demand for the immediate and unconditional release of the three detainees."
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA
SEKRETARIAT GMI: SUARAM, 433A, 1st Floor, Jalan 5/46, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: 03-77843525, 03-77835724. Fax: 03-77843526. E-mel: |
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
1. Hari ini Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) yang dianggotai oleh 83 buah organisasi terdiri daripada badan-badan bukan kerajaan, parti-parti politik, kesatuan sekerja, badan hak asasi manusia, badan wanita, mahasiswa dan golongan muda, ingin mengisytiharkan dokumen tuntutannya untuk Pilihan raya Umum ke-12.
2. Tujuan dokumen ini dilancarkan adalah untuk menarik perhatian semua pihak terhadap isu hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan di negara ini. Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai rujukan tertinggi undang-undang menetapkan hak kebebasan asasi antaranya dalam Perkara 5: Kebebasan diri dan dalam Perkara 10: Kebebasan bercakap, berhimpun dan menubuhkan persatuan. Namun pada masa yang sama, terdapat undang-undang di negara ini yang membolehkan kerajaan merampas hak-hak tersebut dengan menahan sesiapa sahaja tanpa perlu didakwa dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah. ISA atau Internal Security Act (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) adalah satu daripada tiga undang-undang tersebut. ISA telah lama bertapak di negara ini dan menjadi kudis buta serta kurap terhadap hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan rakyat, perkara yang seharusnya menjadi jaminan utama kerajaan kepada rakyat.
3. Dokumen ini dilancarkan untuk menggesa parti-parti politik dan calon-calon yang bakal bertanding dalam Pilihan raya Umum ke-12 untuk memberi perhatian serius dan berusaha dengan penuh komitmen memenuhi tuntutan yang dinyatakan di samping menimbulkannya sebagai antara faktor untuk mempengaruhi pengundi dalam membuat pilihan mereka.
4. Bersama ini, dilampirkan tuntutan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke 12 – GMI dalam bahawa Malaysia dan English untuk perhatian pihak tuan / puan.
5. Sidang media ini dihadiri oleh Sdr Sivarasa Rasiah (Naib Pengerusi Parti KeAdilan Rakyat), Sdr Yap Swee Seng (Executive Director SUARAM), Sdr Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (President GMI) dan Sdr Zaid Kamaruddin (President JIM).
Mansuhkan ISA!
Bebaskan Semua Tahanan!
Tutup Kem Tahanan Kamunting!
Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
27 Februari 2008
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) yang dianggotai lebih daripada 83 buah organisasi terdiri daripada badan-badan bukan kerajaan, parti-parti politik, kesatuan sekerja, badan hak asasi manusia, badan wanita, mahasiswa dan golongan muda, menuntut parti-parti politik dan calon yang bakal bertanding dalam Pilihan raya Umum ke-12 untuk memperakukan perkara-perkara berikut:
1. Menghormati Perlembagaan Persekutuan, terutamanya Perkara 10, sebagai rujukan utama bagi hak-hak dan kebebasan rakyat
2. Menghormati hak seseorang untuk dianggap tidak bersalah sebelum disabitkan bersalah, hak untuk dibicarakan dan hak untuk dibela. Pencabulan hak ini merupakan pelanggaran terhadap piawaian hak asasi manusia antarabangsa dan kepercayaan mana-mana agama.
3. Melindungi keselamatan seluruh lapisan masyarakat daripada ancaman kezaliman, kemungkaran, penganiayaan, penyeksaan dan jenayah. Keamanan dan keselamatan Negara perlu dipertahankan, namun tidak dengan menggadai hak asasi manusia dan keadilan.
4. Menyokong dan mendokong usaha-usaha memansuhkan undang-undang tanpa bicara khususnya Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 (ISA).
5. Meletakkan keutamaan tinggi kepada kempen memansuhkan ISA kerana penggunaan ISA bermotif politik dan kuasanya terlalu luas dan merbahaya kepada kesejahteraan rakyat. Oleh kerana tidak dibicarakan, Kerajaan berkuasa menutup mana-mana kes tanpa melibatkan sebarang siasatan atau dakwaan di mahkamah. Tiadanya ketelusan dan pertanggungjawaban menjadikan ISA sebagai antara penyebab suburnya rasuah, keganasan polis dan salahguna kuasa.
6. Menyokong desakan supaya semua tahanan ISA dibebaskan segera. Penahanan berterusan tanpa dibicarakan dan dibuktikan merupakan satu penganiayaan besar dan kezaliman buat tahanan dan keluarga.
7. Menyokong syor SUHAKAM supaya ISA dimansuhkan dan berusaha mengangkat syor berkenaan dan Laporan Tahunan SUHAKAM ke Parlimen. Pelbagai badan hak asasi manusia antarabangsa turut mendesak agar kerajaan menghormati syor SUHAKAM.
8. Membela nasib dan kebajikan isteri dan keluarga tahanan ISA termasuk daripada gangguan dan penderaan jiwa oleh Polis Cawangan Khas, Kem Tahanan Kamunting (KEMTA) dan Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.
9. Membawa ke muka pengadilan mereka yang telah menzalimi tahanan ISA dan keluarga. Sudah pelbagai laporan dan aduan dilakukan kepada Polis, SUHAKAM dan Kementerian tentang penyeksaan dan deraan yang berlaku. Kes-kes saman sivil juga telah dibuat.
10. Mengambilkira syor oleh Suruhanjaya Penambahbaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan PDRM untuk menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Polis tentang Aduan dan Salahlaku (IPCMC) khususnya menghadkan kuasa polis dan tempoh penahanan di bawah Seksyen 73 ISA.
11. Menutup KEMTA sebagaimana saranan Perdana Menteri untuk menutup Kem Guantanamo atas sebab penyeksaan yang berlaku dan pencabulan hak untuk dibicarakan.
12. Menghormati sistem kehakiman Negara sebagai elemen semak dan imbangan di atas kuasa polis dan Menteri dan mengembalikan kebebasan kehakiman
13. Menolak amalan pembolotan kuasa dan salahguna kuasa yang telah menjejaskan integriti dan kewibawaan institusi-institusi penting kerajaan. Akibatnya kesejahteraan dan keselamatan rakyat terancam.
14. Mengamalkan sistem pengasingan kuasa secara sepenuhnya supaya demokrasi sihat dan lancar. Kuasa Eksekutif tidak lagi boleh dibenarkan menguasai atau mempengaruhi badan legislatif dan badan kehakiman sewenang-wenangnya.
15. Membuka ruang yang luas kepada badan-badan masyarakat sivil untuk berperanan menggembleng rakyat kepada memperjuangkan keadilan dan kebenaran.
Mansuhkan ISA!
Bebaskan Semua Tahanan!
Tutup Kem Tahanan Kamunting!
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) or Abolish ISA Movement which consists of more than 83 organisations made up of non-governmental bodies, political parties, trade union, human rights bodies, women and student bodies, hereby wishes to demand from the political parties and candidates contesting in the 12th General Elections on the following items:
16. To respect the Federal Constitution, especially Article 10, as primary reference on rights and freedom of the people
17. To respect one’s rights to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, rights to trial and rights to be defended. Violation of these rights is a transgression of international human rights norms and the belief of any religion.
18. To provide security to all levels of society from threats of cruelty, mala fide, abuses, torture and criminal acts. Peace and security of the nation should be defended but not at the expense of basic human rights and justice.
19. To support and uphold efforts to abolish detention without trial laws especially Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960.
20. To place high priority on campaigns to abolish ISA as use of ISA is politically motivated. Its arbitrary nature and wide array of powers is dangerous to the livelihood of the people. Since trials do not exist under the ISA, the Government has the power to cover-up any case without the necessity to conduct investigation and produce evidence in courts. With no transparency and accountability, ISA is one of the main reasons for the rise in corruption, police brutality and abuse of power.
21. To support demand for the immediate release of all ISA detainees. The prolonged detention without trial and proof is a serious act of cruelty and tyranny to the detainees and family.
22. To support SUHAKAM’s recommendation for the repeal of ISA dan raise efforts to escalate the recommendation and SUHAKAM’s annual report to Parliament. Many international human rights bodies have demanded the Government to respect SUHAKAM’s recommendation.
23. To avenge the well-being and welfare of the wives and families of ISA detainees including from the harrassment and mental torture of the Police Special Branch, Detention Camp and Ministry of Internal Security.
24. To bring to justice perpetrators who have victimised and tyrannize ISA detainees and their family members. Many reports and complaints have been filed to the Police, SUHAKAM and Ministry on the abuse and torture that have happened. Even civil suits have been filed.
25. To take into consideration recommendations made by the Independent Commission to improve the operations and management of the Police to establish an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commissions (IPCMC) especially to limit the police power and duration of detention under Section 73 of ISA.
26. To close down Kamunting Detention Camp in line with the Prime Minister’s suggestion to close down Guantanamo Camp on the basis of the existence of torture and violation of rights to fair trial.
27. To respect judiciary system as an element of checks and balance on the powers of the police and Ministers and return freedom of the judiciary.
28. To deny the practise of amassing and abuse of powers which have compromised the integrity and credibility of important Government institutions, consequences of which prosperity and security of the people have been in jeopardy.
29. To practise separation of powers in totality to ensure healthy and efficient democracy. Executive powers must be denied of the powers to influence legislative and judiciary body arbitrarily.
30. To provide more space for civil society bodies to play the role of garnering the people towards the struggle to uphold justice and truth.
Abolish ISA!
Release All Detainees!
Close down Kamunting Detention Camp!
Human Rights Demands for the Coming
General Election 2008
Our forebears have fought for Merdeka in 1957 so that all men and women, regardless of race and religion, can live a life with dignity, free from fear and free from want in a new country where freedom, justice and peace prevail.
Regrettably, after 50 years of independence under the rule of the Alliance and the National Front (Barisan Nasional) coalitions, human rights in Malaysia have deteriorated dramatically. Indeed, it makes a mockery of the Merdeka that we achieved when the vibrant freedom of the press, expression, assembly and association exercised by our forebears against the British during colonial times would be lost under the rule of our own people after independence.
It is high time for the people to reclaim our rights, our freedoms and our country in the coming general election.
1. Reject Racialised Politics and Racism
The kind of politics perpetuated by Barisan Nasional has divided the citizens rather than united the country. Human rights violations, abuses of powers, mismanagement of public funds and corruption in the government thrive under the protective umbrella of racialised politics. Anyone challenging cronyism, corruption and nepotism of the powers-that-be would be persecuted for inciting racial tensions and posing a threat to national security. Malaysian citizens, living under the fear of the Internal Security Act and the bogeyman of the May 13 tragedy, are silenced and stripped of their rights.
We call on all voters to reject candidates and political parties that resort to racial and religious extremism. We demand for the enactment of a Race Relations Act and a permanent Race Relations Commission to outlaw racism and incitement of racial hatred.
2. Repeal All Emergency Laws and Laws that permit Detention without Trial
Despite the fact that Malaysians have lived in peace without war or conflict in the last three decades, the emergency laws and anti-subversion laws previously proclaimed by the government, which vest enormous emergency powers in the hands of the state and suspend civil and political rights of the people, remain in force to this date. These laws have been rampantly abused by the ruling parties.
We call for the four proclamations of emergency in 1964, 1966, 1969 and 1977 to be revoked officially by the coming parliament. We demand that all emergency and anti-subversion laws and measures, especially the Internal Security Act 1960 and the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969 and the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 which provide for indefinite detention without trial, be repealed immediately. We demand that immediate release of all those detained under the emergency laws be charged in court or be released immediately.
3. Respect and Protect Freedom of Expression, Assembly and Association
Freedom of expression, assembly and association are fundamental rights for citizens to participate in policy decision making. However, these rights have been continuously curtailed with the justification of national security when in realty it is no more than suppressing the citizens from raising legitimate concerns such as corruption, abuses of powers and the failures of the government policies.
We call for the abolition of the Sedition Act and the enactment of a Whistle-Blower Protection legislation to protect freedom of expression. The right to freedom of assembly and association should be allowed to be exercised without hindrance while all authorities’ decisions should be subjected to judicial scrutiny. We call for the abolition of Section 27 of the Police Act that subject public assemblies to the approval of the police.
4. Form the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission
The rising crime rates in the country in recent years have indicated that the Royal Malaysian Police has failed in its duty. To make matters worse, the police force today has reduced itself to become a tool of coercion and violence for the powers-that-be to remain in power. The rights of the Malaysian citizens are trampled. A professional police force that is effective in fighting crimes, respects human rights while enforcing the laws, politically impartial in carrying out their duties and free from corruption can only be achieved with an independent oversight mechanism with adequate powers.
We demand for the implementation of the 125 recommendations made by the Royal Commission on police reform, especially the formation of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).
5. Stamp out Corruption
Corruption has been widespread in the government and unchallenged under the protection of the powerful ruling elites. Mega projects are awarded to individuals and companies who are politically well connected. In the process, project costs have multiplied to exorbitant levels and have led to huge unnecessary social costs at the expense of public monies. Tax payers are made to pay double for the corruption and the rising costs of living as a result of the former.
We demand that all ministers and public servants declare publicly their personal wealth before taking office. All ministers and public servants who live beyond their means should be investigated and prosecuted for corruption. We call on the Anti-Corruption Agency to be made independent from the Prime Minister’s office and to report to the Parliament solely.
6. Uphold the Independence of the Judiciary
The recent Lingam tape scandal has confirmed the widespread public perception that our judiciary is highly corrupt and partial to the powers-that-be, especially after the 1988 judicial crisis. It has failed to defend the rights of the people and deliver justice to the victims of the rich and the powerful.
We demand judicial independence to be restored immediately by rescinding the constitutional amendment of Article 121(1) that undermines the separation of powers in a functioning democracy and the formation of an independent judicial commission in appointing and promoting judges.
7. End the New Economic Policy
The New Economic Policy (NEP) has deviated from its original objectives and has become a tool for a small group of ruling elites of different ethnic communities to accumulate enormous wealth. The majority of the Malays has hardly benefited from the policy while the poor non-Malays are deprived of social assistance. The NEP is a divisive policy that perpetuates racial discrimination. It also compromises meritocracy and undermines our country’s competitiveness in the globalised world.
We demand that the NEP be abolished immediately and be replaced with an affirmative action policy that is based on individual needs and merits regardless of race or religion.
8. Reform the Electoral System
The Malaysian electoral system is deeply flawed and is not able to reflect the true popular will of the people. It has deviated from the ‘one person one vote’ principle with large disparities of the number of voters from one constituency to another. The electoral roll is rigged and postal votes are often deployed by ruling parties to rob victory in crucial areas. The voters are deprived of the right to information and the right to make informed decisions with the opposition having no access to mainstream media. The Election Commission is partial to the ruling parties.
We demand the reform of the electoral system by setting up a royal commission on electoral reforms with the aims to restore the ‘one person one vote’ principle, clean up the electoral roll, abolish postal votes and ensure equal access to the media by all parties. Local government election must be restored. Appointment of members of the Election Commission must be done in a transparent and accountable manner with public consultation.
9. Uphold Press Freedom
Press freedom in Malaysia has been severely curtailed by the restrictive laws such as the Printing Presses and Publication Act that requires annual license renewal of newspapers and magazines. The situation is made worse with the ownership of mainstream media and the abuse of state media such as RTM by the ruling parties. This seriously undermines the right to information and the right to make informed decision of the citizen to check the abuse of powers and corruption in the government, the parliament and the judiciary.
We demand for the repeal of the Printing Presses and Publication Act, the Official Secret Act, the legislation of a Freedom of Information Act, and the setting up of a parliamentary select committee to review all other legislations which relate to press freedom.
10. Respect Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The economic growth in Malaysia has not been accompanied with just distribution of the wealth created. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing bigger and wider, especially in the Malay community. Many remain in poverty without adequate food, housing and access to basic and essential services such as water, electricity, healthcare and education, especially in the rural areas and the indigenous people’s communities.
We demand compliance of economic, social and cultural rights standards and a national minimum wage policy in order to ensure an adequate standard of living for all. Furthermore, religion, culture and the mother tongue languages of minorities should be respected and allowed to be practiced and developed freely. The building of Chinese and Tamil schools should be allowed according to needs and with fair allocation of public funds. Malaysia is a secular state under the Federal Constitution with Islam as the official religion, while other religions must be respected and allowed to be practiced freely.
11. Ensure Gender Equality
Women continue to be marginalised in Malaysia, especially in the decision-making process. This discrimination based on various justifications, ranging for religion to culture, must be ended. Women should be treated as equal to men.
We call on voters to reject all sexist candidates such as Mohd Said Yusof and Bung Mokhtar Radin, former parliamentarians from Jasin and Kinabatangan. We demand an equal representation of women in all fields and key decision-making positions and equal treatment of men and women before the law.
12. Protect the Environment
The developmental model pursued by Malaysia without taking into account social costs has led to massive pollution of rivers and oceans, destruction of forests, and poisoning of the soil and underground water. The protection of the national car industry has not only caused massive traffic jams in cities and an underdeveloped public transport system, but has also led to release of large amounts of green house gases, contributing to global warming.
We demand more stringent environmental protection legislations to protect rivers, oceans, forests, and clean air and water. Efficient, accessible and affordable public transport system should be priority in town planning to avoid over reliance on personal vehicles.
We urge all candidates and political parties to pledge their support towards these human rights demands.
We call on all voters to support only candidates and political parties that are committed to all the 12 human rights demands and reject those who refuse to uphold any of these 12 human rights demands.
Vote for change! Vote for a better Malaysia!
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